World Health Day


         World Health Day was celebrated in Dr Jeyasekharan Hospital and Nursing Home, by Dr Jeyasekharan College of Nursing and College of Allied Health Sciences on 7th April 2022. The theme for World Health Day 2022 was “Our Planet, Our Health”. Students of Dr Jeyasekharan College of Nursing and College of Allied Health Sciences on occasion of World Health Day had conducted exhibition, in that our students had made creative models on various topics based on the theme. 

      The exhibition was displayed in Dr Jeyasekharan Hospital and Nursing Home, in front of Anisha Block, Car Parking area. It was inaugurated by Dr Ranjit Jeyasekharan, Trustee, Dr Jeyasekharan Hospital and Nursing Home at 10.30 am. Mrs Sujata Ranjit, Administrator of Dr Jeyasekharan Hospital and Nursing Home and Mrs Beena Sabu Correspondent of College of Nursing also attended the exhibition and the displayed models were explained by the students. 

     The topics related to planet were – Eco-friendly- Substitutes for Plastics, Ocean Plastics (save seafoods), Eco-friendly plants & forestation, Reuse of Waste-Water conservation and Plastics and Human Health Effects. 

     The topics related to health were – Skin Health, Renal Diet, Balanced Diet, Health Issues, Natural Beauty, Healthy Heart-Made Easy, Eat Healthy Live Healthy, PPE-Corona Prevention, Health & Hygiene, Environmental Hygiene, Oral & Respiratory Hygiene, Udalum Ullamum – System model, Alternative system of medicine, Complementary Therapies, Healthy Fitness, Health Benefits of Precious Tressures and Our Health.

     Exhibition was open to patients, relatives, working staff members of hospital and students. Registration counter was kept at the entrance and Feedback forms were placed at the exit for the visitors to fill it and give their feedback.  Total of 250 visitors had made the day. It was effective and very informative to all. Exhibition was ended at 2.30 pm.

     Simultaneously, Health education was given in front of OPD, presented on different topics by the faculty and students of Dr Jeyasekharan College of Nursing and College of Allied Health Sciences from 11.30 am. The topics were Prevention of Gastro Intestinal Cancer presented by Mrs Alwin Viji, Assistant Professor,  Dr Jeyasekharan College of Nursing, Diarrhoea in Children presented by Ms Rahina Ruby, 3rd year BSc (N) student, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus presented by Ms Aathira, 4th year BSc (N) student, Screening time for children presented by Ms Scotlin Stephy, 3rd year BSc (N) student, Kidney Stone Management presented by Ms Zollo DT 2nd year, Blood Pressure and Kidney disease presented by Ms Vincita OTAT 2nd year, Heart Disease among Youngster presented by Ms Kamista Viji CT 2ndyear.

Apart from these, there were also program conducted in Auditorium, Dr Jeyasekharan Hospital and Medical Trust. The program was started by a prayer song by the college choir followed by welcome address by Mrs Merlin Shyla, Asst. Professor, Dr Jeyasekharan Medical Trust College of Allied Health Sciences. Unfolding of the theme “Our Planet Our Health” was done by Dr Jeyasekharan Hospital and Medical Trust, Trustees and Administrators. 

Chief Guest for this event Dr Geetha Iyer, Phd Consultant in Education, Author & Writer given an encouraging and motivational speech. We also had Prof. Dr A J. S Pravin, MD, DD, Consultant Dermatologist, Dr Jeyasekharan Hospital and Nursing Home, and Dr. Avinash Pravin, MD, DVL, Consultant Dermatologist, Dr Jeyasekharan Hospital and Nursing Home given excellent information on Skin-Myth buster & Awareness, and Management of Acne and Adolescent skin diseases. Both the sessions were very effective. There were other events also – Villupattu presented by CAHS first year students, Mime presented by BSc Cardiac Technology second year students, Elocution by Ms Arathi, OTAT second year and solo song by Ms Sona Vijay, OTAT second year student. Prize distribution for the prize winners of World Health Day Competitions conducted on 2nd April 2022 was given by Dr Renu Deva Prasad, Medical Administrator and Mrs Sujatha Ranjit, Administrator Dr Jeyasekharan Hospital and Nursing Home. Vote of thanks was given by Mrs Deva Beni, Nursing Supervisor, Nursing Services, Dr Jeyasekharan Hospital and Nursing Home. At the end of this event, National Anthem was sung by College choir.