Date : 24/03/2022
Mode of activity : Kanyakumari Government Medical college, Asaripallam
Duration : 2 hour
Event : World tuberculosis Day (24th March)
Staff In charge : Mr.Binni, Mrs.Ramesha
The World tuberculosis day was celebrated on 24-03-22 at Kanyakumari Government Medical college, Asaripallam.The event was started around 11 am. IV year Bsc (N) and III year DGNM were participated.
Dr.Muthukumar ( TB cell medical officer ) given valuable information about regarding tuberculosis, he explained about the schemes of TB patients and new advancement in tuberculosis drugs and treatment. Dr. VP.Durai (Deputy Director ), Dr.Shaya (Medical officer) participated in the event. The program closed after taking the pledge.